Wondering About Education: Nauset Regional High School Principal's Blog

Happy Friday Episodes

Figure on cliffside walkway holding head with hands

Happy Friday Everyone,

Tree branches have let go of their leaves and are now scratching the sky. The wind has shifted to come from the north, and Halloween is upon us. These signs of winter serves as cues for certain behaviors: shutting down the outside shower, switching the clothes in our closets, putting the garden to bed, splitting the wood for our fires, and preparing meals made in simmering pots. 

Learning can also be triggered by cues from our environment. A specific time of the evening can remind us it is time to get to work. A certain space designated for studying can help us to focus. A particular chair and table organized for our work can help us get started. A thoughtful ordering of work that begins with the most challenging can ensure our time is used wisely. The association with studious peers can help us to break from what we are doing and begin studying because we know that choice puts us in good company.

The development of studying habits is essential for success in high school, and there are steps we can take as families to help our kids learn how they learn best. Talking with our kids about how they learn is as important – maybe even more important – than asking about what they are learning. We can also model our own ongoing learning whether it be by reading, working on a puzzle, or doing our own professional work during the times when our kids are studying.

I hope this weekend there is an opportunity for you to talk with your kids about how they do their learning. When is the best time to study? Where is the best place to study? What is the best way to organize the order of their work? Who do they think of that inspires them to lean into their learning?



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