Wondering About Education: Nauset Regional High School Principal's Blog

Happy Friday Episodes

The whales off our shores take a deep breath every ninety minutes. Rising up from their watery habitat, they break from their work to exhale and take a deep breath.  For the majority of their time whales live while holding their breath. The break they take is essential. Perhaps we are drawn to those rising spouts because we also long for the chance to take a deep breath.

The storm of COVID brought us a new practice: Mask Breaks. Taking breaks to step outside and breathe could be a “COVID Keeper.” Practically, stepping away from what you are doing for a moment can open your eyes and give you the reset button you need to return to your work with renewed energy and conviction. Metaphorically, taking a break to breathe has implications for navigating dilemmas, making decisions, solving problems, and managing relationships. 

Breathing is literally what we do to stay alive. But how many of us take time each day to intentionally practice this essential skill?  

I hope this weekend you have the opportunity to work breaks for breathing into your day. Give yourself five minutes to just breathe. Sit someplace quiet. Breathe in. Breathe out. Pay attention to what happens to your heart beat, the rate of your breath, the ideas in your head. 

Considering how important it has been to take breaks to breathe when we have been required to wear masks, it seems probable that the same breaks to breathe could rejuvenate us to higher levels of living. Imagine what life would be like if we all found a way to breathe a little easier each day. 

Maybe we would all be kinder, more positive, and more empathetic. Maybe we would all smile a little more – reducing stress, enhancing creativity, boosting productivity, strengthening our bodies, increasing our approachability, and deepening the trust we extend to others. Not a bad result for taking five minutes to take a few deep breaths.

Thank you for listening.


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